The Simple Truths Behind the Lies of " LOSE 30 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS!!!!!!! "
PART ONE: This battle cry is being heard loudly and often by a plethora of ' weight loss ' companies most of which are paid by the ' click ' of your mouse or however you do it on an I-phone. You will see other screaming ads crying “1 Weird trick to LOSE YOUR BELLY FAT!!” or - “MELT AWAY YOUR BELLY FAT like the STARS!!!! " OH! Be still my heart!!! Like the STARS???????????????
Oh yes, I am totally into looking like them cause I have ALL kinds of money to do all the OTHER things they do too!!! NOT! SO, let's get reasonable. Let's look at some of these other
' products ' out there and see how they measure up. What is in them ? What do they do? Are ALL of their ingredients listed? How do they market it? Who do they get to endorse it that will kick up their media exposure and volume? Where do their testimonials come from? You know what? This is going to take more than one post - I'll have to break it up because I WILL be comparing how a lifestyle change is IMPERATIVE to losing weight and KEEPING it off, and how Skinny Fiber can help it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let's take a look at one of these ' miracle ' weight loss products: The Green Coffee Bean Extract - This one won't take long. It took me 5 minutes to discover this: June 12, 2013 — a major ingredient in those green coffee bean dietary supplements -- often touted as "miracle" weight-loss products -- doesn't prevent weight gain in obese laboratory mice fed a high-fat diet when given at higher doses. That's the conclusion of a first-of-its-kind study published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. It also linked the ingredient to an unhealthy build-up of fat in the liver. Vance Matthews, Kevin Croft and their team note that coffee is rich in healthful, natural, plant-based polyphenol substances. They cite evidence from past studies that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other disorders collectively termed the "metabolic syndrome." Chlorogenic acid (CGA), one coffee polyphenol, is the main ingredient in scores of dietary supplements promoted as weight-loss products. Much research has been done on mixtures of coffee polyphenols. Until now, however, scientists have not checked the effects of higher doses of CGA alone on obesity and other symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. Matthews' team decided to do that, using special laboratory mice that are stand-ins for humans in such tests. They report that mice on a high-fat diet and mice on a high-fat diet plus CGA gained the same amount of weight. The CGA mice, however, were more likely to develop disorders that often lead to type 2 diabetes. They also accumulated fat inside the cells in their livers. "This study suggests that higher doses of CGA supplementation in a high-fat diet does not protect against features of the metabolic syndrome in diet-induced obese mice," they say. Courtesy of
Well now - fancy that - you are putting an ACID into your body, EXTRA acid I might add if you are still a coffee drinker (and I am...sorta... one cup in the am of decaf.) And on TOP of that, it builds up fat in your liver. Beautiful.... You will note that Skinny Fiber DOES NOT contain this ' Chlorogenic acid ' , actually, it contains the enzymes Lipase , Protease and Amylase that help SUPPORT the detoxification and cleanliness of your liver. Next up: Garcinia Cambogia (this one is a hoot...)
PART 2 The Simple Truths Behind the Lies of

Reviewer: Notsocoolsupplement, on Treatment for less than 1 month (Consumer) Comment: Severe abdominal pain and bloating. ____________________________________________________________________
Comment: I too have experience stomach discomfort. Why is that? Is it something that is part of it then slowly goes away? Or is it a danger? ____________________________________________________________________
empece a tomar garcenoa gambogia,terrible soy una persona sana y fuerte, pero la experiencia fue terrible dolor de cabeza confuncion inflamacion de mi estomago terrible un fraude no la recomiendo ( **note** I have NO IDEA what language this is from this commentor, yet I do not have to be fluent to recognize the words ' terrible ' " fraud ' and ' no recommend !! ") ____________________________________________________________________
I've been using this now for 12 days, as instructed, and I've gained 6 pounds. I do 45 mins of cardio 5 days a week, I have a clean healthy diet and I was hoping this stuff would help me drop about 5 lbs...but no. I've felt horrible since I started taking CG...aches, stomach problems, horrible insomnia, and shortness of breath. This stuff is a total scam and I'm quitting immediately. __________________________________________________________________
Product is taken BID. Contains chromium, calcium,potassium. I have been taken for a week and have experienced stomach discomfort after dinner and during hs. The product is named garcinia Cambodia GFC by clean healthnutrition. Wondering if it is safe as it is not listed below in the brand product section. _________________________________________________________________
Comment: Took recommended dose for four days. By the fifth day I had bad indigestion and a tight throat. Have stopped taking for two days and have a burning sensation in my throat. Would not recommend. An expensive lesson!
Comment: I have never tried using supplements to lose weight. So I tried a bottle of pure GC. I took it as recommended and it seemed at first like it was cutting my craving for food down and I even lost a few pounds. But after the second week I started to notice that I was getting very fatigued at the end of the day and my blood sugar levels went up. Bad for a type-two diabetic. I'm going to stop taking this supplement because it is causing extreme fatigue, dizziness and stomach discomfort. I agree, there hasn't been enough research on the effects or side-effects of this product. Caveat Emptor, let the buyer beware! ___________________________________________________________________
Comment: I purchased mine from Walmart....has same ingredients as the one advertised....I started having breathing problems shortly after taking it....scary, so will not continue and now stuck with the purchase....lost money! _____________________________________________________________________
After about two weeks on Prima Lite Garcinia Extract and minimal weight loss, I realized that it was causing the headaches, nausea, sweating and mental "fuzziness". The side effects began to dissipate within a few days of stopping the product. Whatever weight loss benefits the product may have will remain unrealized as the side effects are too severe to be tolerated any longer. _________________________________________________________________
Enough ? I have more.... You sure ? Yeah, enough for me too.... Yet, THIS is what they have posted on their official " Dr. Oz ( The Great and Powerful ) site : " No negative side effects In the 7 clinical studies that have been performed to date, no major side effects have been reported. However, there have been some minor complaints of headache, skin rash, common cold, and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. It is unknown if these were related to consumption of HCA or not. HCA works by increasing the serotonin in the brain, which signals you are full and making the individual feel less interested in food. A nice, but mild side effect is that it improves the mood of users and ensures that they do not suffer total lost of appetite. Serotonin as a neurotransmitter in the brain generally makes one feel good. It is the target of most antidepressant medications. People with low levels of serotonin are susceptible to depression, anxiety and may be driven into reactive or emotional consumption of food. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
HOLY S**T!!!!!!!!!!!!! They call the above MINOR? AND it messes with the SEROTONIN LEVELS IN YOUR BRAIN???? THAT's their weight loss ' miracle ‘? If it affects your serotonin levels, that is scary. That too closely resembles a DRUG. That sounds like a CHEMICAL. And that's how they make you feel full? By altering your brain chemicals? Maybe it's just me, but I DO NOT like the sound of this at all. So again - there are NO drugs in Skinny Fiber. There are NO chemicals. And we do not use Hollywood stars (with or without permission) to endorse or promote. And the only headaches anyone experiences with Skinny Fiber are those who are eliminating the caffeine and other chemicals that are in sodas and such from their diet and undergo some withdrawals as they detox. And if you REALLY READ my posts on detoxing or ALL of the information posted in the albums and didn't just skim by it , or order your Skinny Fiber and run off to a closet, uninformed, never to be heard from again - you'll know detoxing is a GOOD thing. If you don't have to eliminate caffeine as you don't drink it - you'll have no headaches. Coming up: Glucomannon -
The Do's and Don'ts
Part 3 and Final: (and most important) The Simple Truths behind the Lies of " LOSE 30 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS!!!!!!! "...... I'm going to wrap this series up talking about an ingredient that * IS * in Skinny Fiber, but it is not the ONLY ingredient and should not be and I'll tell you why...
This is me (Tracy Davis) |
SO, that's why they state you needn't make any lifestyle changes or change your diet - you're just gonna out anything you eat!!! How's THAT for a nice healthy way to lose weight! You'll lose weight, and nutrients, and muscle tone and protein and everything else that keeps know....alive. That is why glucomannan is but ONE ingredient, a small part, of Skinny Fiber. It is there to make you feel fuller , to help you eat less if overeating is your problem , but it is there along with 2 other forms of fiber (Psyllium NOT being one of them!), that block the bad enzymes that form fat (Caralluma) and Cha de Bugre that suppresses appetite, fights cellulite and stimulates blood circulation. Combine those with the 7 digestive enzymes and antioxidants that go to work cleaning out your organs helping you to become healthy from the INSIDE first, so that the body can then eliminate the fat it has stored protecting your organs from toxins. Learning the facts can help you make wiser decisions on your choice of a weight loss product that is to be intended as a HELPER only.

It is when you COMBINE this with healthy food choices, increased water, DAILY EXERCISE, and proper rest and nutrition can you achieve what you REALLY want. A healthy weight that is there to STAY!! Not a quick fix. Stay healthy folks, but above all............STAY INFORMED! And the easiest way to do that is simply checking in here daily. IT is why I do this....
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Article written by: Debora Allan Bailey from research done by her.
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